Community News


Patch Notes Update

Hi everyone,

In order to provide more visibility on the changes that we are making with every patch, we’ve decided to publish this blog post to show all of the patch notes that have been released since Early Access began.

For those of you new to the MMO experience (welcome!), patch notes are developer notes that outline the changes that we’ve made in every patch that we put out.

Going forward, we’re going to be updating the blog with patch notes on a more regular basis.


1.0.0 12/14

Welcome to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!

In order to get started, please take a moment to check out our digital instruction manual located here, which includes all the basics and useful tips to play the game. Be sure to check out the Forums to discuss the game with other players like you, and if you are having any problems getting in to the game, please contact Customer Service at

We appreciate you joining us to play Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, and we hope you enjoy the game. Inevitably we do discover issues that may affect gameplay, which we're working constantly to fix. Please click here for a current list of high priority in-game known issues.


1.0.0a 12/16


Corrected a server-side issue that caused some game systems (such as Companion Missions) to behave incorrectly.


1.0.0b 12/17


Fixed an issue that could cause the game client to crash under some circumstances.


1.0.0c 12/19


Implemented player account changes to prepare for launch.

Made several improvements to increase overall hardware stability.


1.0.0d 12/20


Corrected an issue that could cause degraded performance or client crashes for some players on Taris.

Fixed a bug that could prevent players from accepting pending mission rewards.


1.0.0e 12/22


Fixed an issue that caused some pre-assigned guild names to display incorrectly.

Players who are disconnected while in the queue to join a server now retain their position upon logging back in within a reasonable amount of time.


1.0.0f 12/23

Missions and NPCs

Fixed an issue where players were unable to open and complete pending missions as intended.


Please remember to also check out for the latest in patch notes!

Thank you,

The SWTOR Community Team