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Bad RE Streaks


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Has anyone noticed a way to somehow break a bad luck streak with re'ing items. I know there has to be a way the issue with streaks is usually a product of how the seed is generated for the rng. For example does logging off or exiting the program seem to change your luck or waiting a certain time frame seem to change the streak. In another game I knew the seed was time based so by waiting a minute or two it changed the seed and improved my chances. Basically same seed value will give the same result so if the seed is the current minute two rolls in the same minute will yield the same result.
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Since no one knows what the seed is, all the advice you will get is based solely on anecdotal experience.


For example (while not the same it is related): for a long time, I avoided running the same missions with the same companions because doing so I noticed a higher outright failure (no materials returned at all) rate. Turned out to be all in my head.


I remember when 3.0 came out, I was working by Biochem to try to get the Prototype Anodyne Relfex Stim. It took me 20+ attempts over the course of nearly a week to get the schematic.

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A psandak pointed out, no one knows what the seed is. Many suspect it is time based (myself included). I have noticed that there are times I hit bad streaks; but there are also times I hit good streaks and everything I RE is a success. All I can suggest is just keep trying.
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Basic probability theory would suggest that, not only should there be 'bad' streaks of RE, but there should also be 'good' streaks. It also suggests that there should be some unlucky people who get nothing but 'bad' streaks. :)


This issue has been rehashed sooo many times. :cool:

Edited by JediQuaker
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Then there's the interesting part where your droid with +5 cybertech critical doesn't get many crits and when you produce that last mod or armoring to complete the set of upgrades for an alt using a companion without a cybertech bonus, you get a crit each time.



Oh well, at least you can sell the extras.

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